Kidy Foundation

Kidy Foundation is a registered not-for-profit corporation in Canada established for the purpose of raising the awareness around the increasing number of avoidable vehicle collisions in Ethiopia and to support victims of vehicle accidents financially, morally, emotionally, spiritually and practically in their post-accident situation towards recovery, rehabilitation and re-adjustment in life.

It is founded and named Kidy Foundation, to recognize and memorize the legacy of Kidest Kifle Woldemariam who lost her precious life as a result of automobile collision in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2019.

Kidest was a generous and caring person who always strived to help others who are in need. The foundation is named after her to continue her work in ensuring the health and wellbeing of the Ethiopian nationals are respected and maintained.

Kidy Foundation’s headquarters will be in Toronto, Canada and will be affiliated with Kidy Foundation Ethiopia with whom the Foundation will work to advance its aims and objectives.

The objects of Kidy Foundation

  • To raise the awareness of the increasing incidences of vehicle collisions that is impacting many Ethiopians through death, loss of limbs, physical, mental and emotional disability and serious financial troubles.
  • To raise financial and other resources to be able to support the people who are impacted by these avoidable vehicle collisions and provide medical, rehabilitative, and financial support
  • To educate vehicle operators and road users about road safety, concerns for life, individuals, families and community
  • Advocate for appropriate road safety policies, plans and measures
  • Collaborate with like organizations and agencies towards systems change and support for individuals, families and communities (e.g. hospitals, medical and rehab clinics)
  • Become a resource for issues with road safety
  • Any other complementary purposes consistent with these objects

In just a split second, a life can be changed forever.

Between 2007 and 2018 deaths resulting from vehicle collision has double in Ethiopia. Vehicle collision, death, losing of limbs and permanent disability is a problem that can be avoided through awareness, education, enforcement of rules and regulations and making all parties socially responsible and accountable. Kidy Foundation Canada is established to ensure that the lives of Ethiopians is valued and respected.Behind the wheel make sure your actions are safe for everyone. Let’s not take life for granted and make sure no one is at risk

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